How it works:

  • Quote & Contract

    A Contract and Quote will be provided upon the Commission Request Form completion. If a payment plan is required, please mention this during the initial meeting. 

  • Payment & First Drafts

    After confirming the contract and full payment authorization, you will receive a First Draft sketch and colour palette, we will work together with your feedback to get the perfect art piece you're hoping for!

  • Shipping & Delivery

    Shipping rates will vary due to size, weight, destination address, and requested shipping speed. Shipping rates will be an additional charge due to the nature of these factors, and included in the contract details.

  • Cancellations

    Upon payment authorization, an agreement of the terms & conditions are accepted by the Commissioner. There is a 50% non-refundable fee for any cancellations as these are one of a kind works of art made only for you!

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Ready to work together?

Complete the form below and let's make something special!

Thanks for submitting! We'll get back to you within 2 business days via email. 

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